Overcoming Abuse God’s Way™ is a Division of GLOBAL GOGIRL Inc.™, a 501 C3 Charitable Organization made up of a Group of Qualified-Trained Men and Women Who Have A Passion To Help The Abused Man, Woman or Child.

OUR vision

Partnership is Powerful
100% of your contributions goes toward the lives and work of Overcoming Abuse God’s Way and here are just a few ways you are helping those in need with free services such as: Weekly Support Groups, Private Coaching, Leadership Training, E-Learning and OAGW Books & Workbooks.
All monetary and in-kind (vehicles, houses, clothes or otherwise) contributions can be made to Global Gogirl, Inc. CashApp: $GlobalGogirl
As a way of saying thank you, please request a PDF audio book for your love offering gift to Overcoming Abuse God's Way a ministry of Global Gogirl, Inc.