Abuse information
Abuse is a destructive behavior that breaks down self, families, and relationships. Abuse is any form of behavior that controls another person causing physical harm or fear. Making someone do things they do not want to do or prevents them from doing things they want to do. Abuse can be emotional, verbal, physical, sexual or financial. Abused individuals usually experience multiple forms of abuse.

ABUSE CHARACTERISTICS: Insecurity, hopelessness, homelessness, addiction, anger, unwanted pregnancies, fear, lack of identity, confusion, loneliness and more.
National Domestic Violence Hotline has trained advocates that are available to take your calls through our toll free, 24/7 hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Are you walking around going through the motions of life with no joy?
No matter where you are, do you feel lonely? Do you go in and out of depression?
Christian Abuse Coaching may be what you have been praying for.
Understanding how and why childhood abuse happens can help unlock and relieve the pain of the past. Having an understanding can help you grow in knowing your value and purpose in life... Understanding can also help you grow and thrive in all your relationships. We can help.
If you know or suspect you have been a victim of childhood abuse, we provide private confidential help in person, phone or zoom for you to share.

"This coaching has opened my eyes to many things. I came to understanding I was not my circumstances and just how loved I was by God."
- Anonymous
"This coaching will make a difference. It made a difference in my life and now I am helping others." ​
- Anonymous
"My brother sexually abused me. I'm also able to pray for my brother. I never thought that would happen. My heart is at peace. I'm at peace. Truly this is God's work." ​
- Anonymous

OAGW WOMEN exists to help women and children overcome the effects of abuse through Christian education. A clear message that says you are not your circumstances but what God says, loved with a hope and a future.
We know if we can impart these truths through Overcoming Abuse Gods Way support groups, e-Learning or training, followed by other valuable resources these precious Moms, Wives and Women will see the value of their life for a hope and a future. When a woman learns to understand her value and purposes, she can then see the value and future purposes of her child/ren thus love, protect and nurture them in a way that saves future generations.
For more information, please contact us. To help us educate, donate now.

Janet Napper
OAGW Women's Director

The ministry of OAGW MEN over the world who have been abused or who are abusing and want help. We want these men to know that with the direction of Jesus Christ and with the power of God’s word, men can overcome the cause and effects of abuse “Gods Way”.
OAGW MEN is a light in this dark world to aid and assist men to freedom and peace in their situations, situations that through abuse may have caused addictions... These men need to know that they can have this freedom and peace in the arms of God, our heavenly Father.
Youth Abuse:
Fatherless Boys according to Truett Cathy’s book It’s Better to Build Boys than Mend Men are...
5 times more likely to commit suicide.
32 times more likely to run away.
20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders.
14 times more likely to commit rape.
9 times more likely to drop out of school.
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances.
9 times more likely to end up in a state-operated institution.
20 times more likely to end up in prison.
For more information please contact us. To help us educate, donate now.

Kenneth Napper
OAGW Men's Director
Partnership is Powerful
100% of your contributions goes toward the lives and work of Overcoming Abuse God’s Way and here are just a few ways you are helping those in need with free services such as: Weekly Support Groups, Private Coaching, Leadership Training, E-Learning and OAGW Books & Workbooks.
All monetary and in-kind (vehicles, houses, clothes or otherwise) contributions can be made to Global Gogirl, Inc. CashApp: $GlobalGogirl
As a way of saying thank you, please request a PDF audio book for your love offering gift to Overcoming Abuse God's Way a ministry of Global Gogirl, Inc.